Happy 2020 to all sewing and fashion enthusiasts out there!
I started off the year with a thought of no longer struggling through sewing projects that don't want to be.

I started off the year with a thought of no longer struggling through sewing projects that don't want to be.

After many hours stitching, unpicking and working on a chiffon dress pieces that started to look different every time I picked it up, I just got so fed up and thought. Time to let go. I'm not doing this anymore. So many hours of wrestling with idea in my head, and it feels like I'm just peddling mud and not getting anywhere.
So, then and there, I made the decision, that starting now, in January of 2020, I will not longer struggle and battle through a pattern or pieces of fabric that don't want to work. So, I put the top of the dress (that was causing my headache) aside, took the bottom skirt pieces and made a quick a-line skirt with a wide black elastic and that was that.
The skirt (that was supposed to be a dress) came out beautifully, by the way.

And there was my first new years resolution and I plan to cut out a few more things that just don't work, even if I've invested countless amount of hours on it.
No need for long sleeves and I omitted making the slip dress as it was not needed for this dress. I might use it for future projects though....

Blue dress - front and back view
Below are the sketches of the front and back of the pattern to show the boatneck shape of the neckline and the drop shoulder seam lines.